Class 11 Albert Einstein At School Question Answer, with Extra Questions Solutions

Albert Einstein At School Question Answer, with Extra Questions Solutions tor Class 11 students are available in this article. Check the important links given below.

Albert Einstein At School Question Answer

Albert Einstein At School Question Answer

Reading with Insight

Directions:- Answer the following Albert Einstein At School Question Answer in about 120-150 words each.

Q.1. What do you understand of Einstein’s nature from his conversations with his history teacher, his mathematics teacher and the head teacher?

Ans. From his conversations, Einstein comes as an honest and blunt person. He does not hide his ideas or views from his teachers, though he knows that the consequences will be adverse for him. He frequently argues with his history teacher. He thinks that learning dates and facts is not education because he can find them in books. For him, education is not when you learn facts, but when you develop ideas. His history teacher gets offended and is left speechless by his remarks.

When Mr Braun, sarcastically asks him to explain the Einstein theory of education, he bluntly tells him, that he is more interested in learning why a certain event took place (e.g. why soldiers tried to kill each other in war) than dates of battles and the number of soldiers killed. Therefore, the teacher punishes him, thinking that he is a disgrace to the school.

Einstein likes math and the math’ teacher, Mr Koch, who willingly gives a glowing reference to him. He even says that Einstein will soon teach him more in maths than he could to him. The teacher tells him that he had anticipated his leaving, yet he is sorry that Einstein is leaving. Mr Koch says that Einstein was wasting his time, but Einstein does not agree.

The head teacher asks him to leave school on his own, or he would be forced to expel him. The head accuses Einstein of being in constent rebellion, and a bad example for other students making it impossible for teachers to control him. Einstein tells him point blank that he is anyway going to leave the school.

Einstein was a man of ideas, who did not want to learn in the traditional way by mugging facts. He wanted to explore new ideas, not bow down to authority, which made others brand him as a rebel. He was honest and could not lie. He hated the school system of education.

Q.2. The school system often curbs individual talents. Discuss. (Albert Einstein At School Question Answer)

Ans. The education system, everywhere in the world, has been rigid and conservative. The students are expected to fit in the system evolved by the school. Even the teachers are expected to follow the system. A student who is more interested in science is forced to study facts of history, as in the case of young Einstein. The students who do not conform to the rules are branded as rebels or expelled from school, like Einstein.

It is a strange fact, which most of the great writers, scientists and pioneers have found fault with the education system that is not based on developing ideas but mugging facts.

Q.3. How do you distinguish between information gathering and insight formation? (Albert Einstein At School Question Answer)

Ans. Information gathering is collecting data, facts, statistics and learning them by heart. No in-depth study is involved in it. It is not based on research work or analysis of why things have happened.

Insight formation is based on ideas, involves deep thinking and research. The development of mind, critical thinking is more important. Here, ideas form the basis of education not facts and figures.

Albert Einstein At School Extra Questions Answers- Short Type-

Directions:- Answer the following Albert Einstein At School Question Answer in about 30-40 words each.

Q.1. Who was Mr Braun? What was his question? Why was he upset with Einstein? (Albert Einstein At School Question Answer)

Ans. Mr Braun was Albert’s history teacher. He asked Einstein about the year in which the Prussians defeated the French at Waterloo. He was upset with Einstein because Einstein was not interested in learning facts or dates and did not know the answer.

Q.2. Why did Einstein not believe in facts? What were his views on education?

Ans. Einstein saw no point in learning facts. They could always be looked up in books. It was not facts but ideas that mattered to him. Dates, and who won the war was not important, but why the war was fought was more important to him.

Q.3. Why did Einstein feel miserable? (Albert Einstein At School Question Answer)

Ans. Mr Braun punished Einstein by making him stay for an extra period. He had a rough day. He felt miserable because he would have to go back to the school he hates the next day also.

Q.4. Why was Einstein miserable even in his lodgings? (Albert Einstein At School Question Answer)

Ans. Since his father was poor, Albert lived in one of the poorest quarters of Munich. There was dirt, squalor, and he was served bad food. But the thing he hated the most was the atmosphere of slum violence. The landlady daily beat her children, and she was beaten in return by her drunkard husband every Saturday. This made Einstein difficult for him to live in his lodgings.

Q.5. Who was Yuri? Why was he too unhappy about his lodgings? (Albert Einstein At School Question Answer)

Ans. Yuri was Einstein’s only friend in Munich. He lived in better lodgings, along with other students, but he was also unhappy. The students fought duels, and one student even killed the other and was proud of it.

Q.6. Who was Elsa? How did she console Einstein? (Albert Einstein At School Question Answer)

Ans. Elsa was Einstein’s cousin who lived in Berlin and came on a visit to Munich. She consoled Einstein by saying that he didn’t have to be a good student to pass; he just had to learn things like a parrot in order to get his diploma.

Q.7. Why did she express doubts about Einstein getting a diploma from his school?

Ans. Einstein told her that he was interested in science and geology. He liked reading about those subjects. Elsa commented that reading books on those subjects would not fetch him a diploma.

Q.8. Why couldn’t Einstein play music? (Albert Einstein At School Question Answer)

Ans. Einstein’s second love was music, and he played his violin regularly. His landlady asked him to stop because it got on her nerves. She used to say that there was enough noise in the house and the violin’s sound only increased it.

Q.9. Why did Einstein tell Yuri that he must get away from Munich? (Albert Einstein At School Question Answer)

Ans. Einstein found it absurd to waste his time in Munich. He thought that he was wasting his father’s money and everyone’s time. He was sure he would not get his diploma.

Q.10. Which sudden idea struck Einstein and why? (Albert Einstein At School Question Answer)

Ans. Einstein knew that going back to Milan would not work as his father would send him back. So, he asked Yuri if he knew a doctor who would certify that he had a nervous breakdown, and school was bad for him.

Q.11. Did Yuri help Einstein? How? (Albert Einstein At School Question Answer)

Ans. Yuri was sceptical whether any doctor would give him a false certificate, but he found Doctor Ernst Weil, a specialist in nervous troubles, to help Einstein.

Q.12. What warning did Yuri give Einstein?

Ans. Yuri told Einstein that Dr Ernst was not a fool, and he should not try to cheat or deceive him. He should be frank with him. He also added that Einstein was the world’s worst liar so there is, no point pretending something he didn’t actually have.

Q.13. How did the doctor help Einstein? Why?

Ans. The doctor agreed to give a certificate without even listening to him. He declared that Einstein would not have come to see him if he wasn’t pretty close to a nervous breakdown. He had been a student himself and understood Einstein’s feelings.

Q.14. What were Einstein’s future plans? Whose help did he need the most to follow his plans?

Ans. Einstein’s future plans were to go to Milan and join an Italian college or institute. For this, he needed a certificate from his maths teacher, Mr Koch. He had learnt all the maths at school, and a bit more.

Q.15. Why was Einstein summoned by the head teacher the next day?

Ans. The head teacher wanted him to leave the school at once, so he expelled him. The reason given was that he was a bad influence on other students. He was in constant rebellion and no serious work could be done while he was in the school.

Q.16. What according to Einstein, was the difference between an idea and facts?

Ans. According to Einstein, facts do not involve any in-depth study. There is no attempt to learn why a particular thing happened. Whereas, ideas involve deep thinking, research and analysis. Ideas must form the basics of education, not facts and figures.

Q.17. Why did Einstein want to get out of school on medical grounds?

Ans. Einstein wanted to get out of school on medical grounds because he knew that his father would send him back to Munich to complete his diploma.

Q.18. Yuri and Elsa were the only two persons who were concerned about Einstein. What were they most concerned about?

Ans. They both knew that Einstein had no liking for studying the facts and figures of history, and he preferred science and geology, which were not taught in the school. Yuri understood him, was concerned about his health, whereas Elsa wanted Einstein to learn enough to clear exams, so he would get his diploma.

Q.19. Why was Albert Einstein nervous about meeting Dr Ernest Weil?

Ans. Einstein was nervous about meeting Dr Ernest because he did not know what to tell him. He was also worried whether the doctor would give him a fake certificate that would enable him to leave for Milan.

Albert Einstein At School Extra Questions Answers– Long Type

Directions:- Answer the following Albert Einstein At School Extra Questions Answer Long Type in about 120-150 words each.

Q.1. What circumstances led to Albert Einstein’s expulsion from school?

Ans. Young Einstein was a student of a school in Munich. His views on education were different from the system followed in school. His inability to learn dates and facts in history antagonised all his teachers. He questioned everything and wanted to know the reason behind everything. His refusal to learn facts, and his inquisitive nature hampered the traditional way of teaching in class.

He realised that he was wasting his time and his father’s money. In order to take a break from the school, he made a doctor certify that he was having a nervous breakdown. According to his head teacher. he was a disgrace to his school, a bad influence on fellow students, and a nuisance for his teachers. The head teacher was sick of listening to complaints against him and asked him to leave the school.

Q.2. One may bind a human being to a system but not his spirit. With close reference to Einstein’s life in school, comment on the statement.

Ans. Einstein was an intelligent student who excelled in maths, but he hated history and could not see any logic in learning dates and facts. He was fascinated by ideas and felt that they were more important. According to him, when and how the wars were lost or won was not important. What was more important was why they were fought in the first place.

All the teachers mocked him, punished him and underrated his intelligence, except the maths teacher. He felt suffocated in his school and wanted to escape. He arranged for a doctor to certify that he was suffering from a nervous disorder. He wanted to go back to his home in Italy and study maths there. He was not, in the least, disturbed when the head teacher, on his own, decided to make him leave the school. Einstein was too happy to be a free man. Though Einstein was bound with a system, his spirit was free.

Q.3. Describe Einstein’s confrontation with his history teacher. What do you think of Einstein after this?

Ans. Einstein confronted his history teacher regarding the incompetency of the education system. According to him, learning dates and facts was not important. He did not need to go to school to learn facts that could be found in books. All this offended his history teacher who was left speechless by those remarks.

He sarcastically asked him to explain Einstein’s theory of education. Einstein bluntly told his teacher that he was more interested in learning why certain events had happened, why wars were fought, rather than learning dates of battles and number of soldiers killed. All this shows that Einstein was a man of ideas. He believed in developing ideas. He was honest and could not lie. He hated the traditional system of education.

Q.4. There were only two people who genuinely helped Einstein. Who were they and what did they do for him?

Ans. The two people who helped Einstein were his friend, Yuri and his cousin, Elsa. When Einstein was unable to cope with the traditional school system, where he was taught the subjects he was not interested in, it was Yuri who found a doctor for him who certified that Einstein was suffering from a nervous breakdown, and therefore should be given six months’ leave from the school. Yuri was his only friend to whom he could pour his heart out.

Elsa, Einstein’s cousin, lived in Berlin and often came to Munich. It was Elsa who advised him to learn the things like a parrot without going deep into them to clear his exams and obtain his diploma.

Q.5. Discuss how Einstein’s efforts to leave the school proved futile.

Ans. In spite of all efforts, young Einstein was unable to cope with the education system in Munich, where he was pursuing his diploma. His views on education, his inability to learn dates and facts in history antagonized his teachers. He realized that he was wasting his time and his father’s money, so he persuaded a doctor to certify that he was having a nervous breakdown.

But all his efforts proved futile because before he could go to the head teacher, the latter expelled him. He called him a disgrace to the school, a nuisance to his teachers and a bad influence on his fellow students. The head teacher made it easy for him by asking him to leave the school on his own. Hence, his efforts to get a medical certificate proved futile.

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