Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Extra Questions Important for Class 11

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Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Extra Questions Short Type

Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Extra Questions

Directions:- Answer Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Extra Questions in about 20-30 words-

Q. I. Who was Tutankhamun? (Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Extra Questions)

Ans. Tutankhamun was the last heir of a powerful family that had ruled Egypt and its empire for centuries. He was laid to rest laden with gold and eventually forgotten, later in 1922 his tomb was discovered by Howard Carter, a British archaeologist.

Q. 2. When was Tut’s tomb discovered and by whom? What things were discovered inside the tomb?

Ans. Tut’s tomb was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter, a British archaeologist after many years of futile searching by him. The king was buried with glittering goods: precious collars, inlaid necklaces and bracelets, rings, amulets, a ceremonial apron, sandals, sheaths for his fingers and toes, and the now iconic inner coffin and mask — all of pure gold

Q.3 Why was King Tut’s demise a big event even by royal standards? What were the things buried with him?


What were the things that were found in Tut’s tomb?

Ans- King Tut’s demise was a big event even by royal standards because he was the last heir of his dynasty. He was buried with everyday things like board games, a bronze razor, linen undergarments, and cases of food and wine.

Q.4 What did Carter do to remove the mummy finally? What would happen if Carter hadn’t cut the mummy free?

Ans- Carter got the consolidated material chiselled away from the mummy. He had to cut almost every major joint to raise the king’s remains. Hadn’t he cut the mummy free, the thieves most certainly would have ripped it apart to remove the gold.

Q. 5. What was the Pharaoh’s curse?  (Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Extra Questions)

Ans. Pharaoh’s curse was that anyone who disturbed Tut’s tomb would either meet his untimely death or misfortune would fall upon him.

Q.6 What name did Tut adopt after becoming a king, and what did it mean?

Ans- When Tut became the king, he changed his name from ‘Tutankhaten’ to ‘Tutankhamun’, which meant ‘living image of Amun’.

Q. 7. How did Carter separate Tut’s mummy from its coffin?  (Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Extra Questions)

Ans. At first, Carter tried to use the sun to loosen the resins. But nothing budged Then he had to chisel away the resins to remove the body.

 Q. 8. What startling fact was revealed about Tut in 1968?  (Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Extra Questions)

Ans. Tut’s mummy was x-rayed. It was found that the breastbone and the front ribs were missing in the chest. It suggested that he might have been murdered. 

Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Additional Questions

Directions:- Answer Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Extra Questions in about 20-30 words-

Q.1. Who was King Tut? (Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Extra Questions)

Ans. King Tut was the last heir of a powerful dynasty of Egypt. He ruled for only nine years and died 3,300 years ago under mysterious circumstances.

Q.2. Where was King Tut being taken to? (Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Extra Questions)

Ans. He was taken out from his grave to be put into a CT scanner in order to see if there was any medical reason behind his untimely and mysterious death.

Q.3. Why does the author say that little is known about this young ruler?

Ans. Very little is known about King Tut because he died very young, 3,300 years ago, under mysterious circumstances. No one knows what happened to him, whether he was murdered, or died due to some other reasons.

Q.4. Why had the tourists descended into the cramped tomb? Why did they talk in whispers and what were some of their fears?

Ans. There were two reasons. One was to pay their respects and second was to look at the murals on the walls and gaze at the gilded face of Tut, a striking feature of his outer coffin lid.
They talked in whispers about what they read from the guidebooks and not to disturb others. They were afraid of the pharaoh’s curse falling on them for disturbing his tomb.

Q.5. Who was Howard Carter? What do you think he was looking for? Was he successful in his mission? Why did Carter not take away any of the riches?

Ans. Howard Carter was a British archaeologist. He was searching for King Tut’s tomb. Yes he discovered it in 1922 after years of futile searching.
He did not take away any of his riches because he was more interested in the coffin of King Tut and made discoveries about his death, which was a mystery. Tut had died at a very young age. 

Q.6. Why have contents become part of the pharaoh’s legend? 

Ans. They were the richest royal collection found in any of the pharaoh’s legends. There were stunning artifacts in gold. For e.g. precious collars, necklaces and bracelets. They had caused a sensation.

Q.7. Why does King Tut’s tomb still get maximum attention even today?

Ans. The funerary treasures found in Tut’s tomb were really brilliant, chosen to guarantee resurrection. So the king’s tomb still gets the maximum attention.

Q.8. Though Carter’s efforts have been described as in vain, his findings have been important to his successors on a similar mission. What valuable information did he leave?

Ans. Carter had separated Tut’s mummy from his adornments, removed its head and cut nearly every joint. He had reassembled the parts and put them in a wooden box. It helped the other scientists later to X-ray the mummy with more sophisticated tools.

Q.9. “Carter had little choice.” Which choice is the author referring to?

Ans. The choice was to cut the mummy free. If he hadn’t done it, thieves would have outwitted the guards and stolen all the treasures.

Q.10. Why did the ancient Egyptians bury a king with all the riches?

Ans. The Egyptians believed in the afterlife, life after death. So they buried their kings with treasures and everyday things they would need. The greater the king, the more treasures were buried with him.

Q.11. In what way has archaeology changed in the recent past?

Ans. The archaeologists are no longer interested in treasures, but in mysteries of death and details of life after death. It uses more sophisticated tools, and medical technology. Today a CT scan can be done which can give a much better image of a body.

Q.12. Why was King Tut’s death a great event?

Ans. He was the last of his family’s line, so it was a death of the dynasty after him. It was a mysterious death, as no one knows the reason behind his death.

Q.13. Though Tut was one of the last rulers of his dynasty, why does the author say that in his death he is really ahead of his countrymen?

Ans. Even in his death, Tut was ahead of his countrymen because his mummy was one of the first to undergo a CT scan.

Q.14. What is referred to as an eerie detail? What kind of professionals are involved in the current findings?

Ans. Eerie detail is scanning in 0.62 mm slices of Tut’s head to register its internal structure by a team of specialists in radiology, forensics, and anatomy.

Q.15. Why did the guard remark, “curse of the pharaoh”?

Ans. The guard was superstitious. Workmen carried Tut from the tomb in his box. Twenty minutes later, two men had to use white plastic fans because the scanner did not work due to sand in the cooler. The guard thought that they were cursed for opening a pharaoh’s grave.

Q.16. Why did Zahi Hawass heave a sigh of relief and say, “But now I think I will go and sleep”?
Ans. After the CT scan, Tut’s body was taken back to his tomb. After three hours, the pharaoh again rested in peace where priests had laid him centuries ago.

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Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Extra Questions Long Type

Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Extra Questions

Directions:- Answer Discovering Tut The Saga Continues Extra Questions in about 60 words:-

Q.1. In ancient Egypt, the kings lived and died in splendor. Illustrate your answer with facts from Tut’s grave.

Ans. Tut was the last ruler of a famous dynasty. As rulers of a rich civilisation, they conquered lands and lived in splendor and brought many changes. After their death, they were buried in pyramids. People believed that a dead man needed everyday things in his next life too, so along with everyday necessities, Tut’s body was buried with lots of treasures. His body was laid on a bed of gold and decorated with precious necklaces, collars, bracelets, rings, etc. The coffin was made of gold. There was so much gold that with the passage of time, the mummy had got stuck to the gold and scientists had to chisel it out to separate the body for investigation.

Q.2. On 5 January 2005, history was created in the field of archaeology. Elaborate.

Ans. The field of archaeology has changed substantially over the past decades. Now the focus is no longer on the hidden treasures but on fascinating details of life and intriguing mysteries of death. More sophisticated tools and the latest medical technology is now employed. On 5 January 2005, King Tut’s mummy was one of the first mummy to undergo a CT scan. The scan offered new clues about his life and death and provided precise data for accurate forensic reconstruction of the boy pharaoh. Astonishing images of Tut’s body could be seen. A grey head, neck bones, a hand, a rib cage and the skull was scanned.

Q.3. Why did Carter become unpopular among the Egyptians?

Ans. Carter, a British archaeologist, discovered in 1922 King Tut’s tomb. When he searched its contents, he found stunning artifacts in gold. He considered them as the richest collection ever found in a pharaoh’s tomb. It caused a sensation at the time of discovery. Carter made a complete list of all funerary treasures and investigated the three-nested coffins. When he finally reached the mummy, he found it cemented to the bottom of his gold coffin due to the hardening of the ritual resins. He had to find a way to separate the mummy from its base. First, he put the mummy outside, hoping to melt the resin in the scorching heat of the sun for several hours. But nothing budged. In order to save the gold, he had to take a decision of cutting the mummy free. His men removed the mummy’s head and cut off nearly every joint. After finishing the task, they reassembled the remains on a layer of sand in a wooden box with padding that concealed the damage. For this, he was blamed by Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities. “The mummy is in a very bad condition because of what Carter has done,” he said.

Q.4. Discuss the significance of the team of specialists – radiologists, forensic experts, anatomists – in the field of archaeology with reference to King Tut’s mummy.

Ans. King Tut was the last heir of a powerful dynasty that ruled Egypt for centuries. He reigned for nine years and then died mysteriously. The discovery of its tomb in 1922 created immense interest, and the collections buried in it caused a great sensation among people. But the modern world is no longer interested in the treasures. They are more interested in finding out the cause of his mysterious death. His mummy became the first mummy to undergo a CT scan.

The radiologists, forensic experts, anatomists, all worked together to offer new clues about Tut’s life and death and provided precise data for accurate reconstruction of the boy pharaoh. Astonishing images of Tut’s body, in the three-dimensional virtual body, could be seen.

Q.5. What do you learn about King Tut’s ancestors and why is he considered the most famous of them?

Ans. King Tut’s grandfather, Amenhotep III, was a powerful pharaoh who ruled for almost four decades at the height of Amenhotep IV who promoted the worship of the sun disk. He shocked the country by smashing the images of Amun, a major god and closing his temples. He even shifted his capital from Thebes to a new city, Akhetaten. After his death, a mysterious ruler named Smenkhkare appeared briefly and exited untraced. It was then that young Tutankhaten sat on the throne, today is known as Tut. The boy king soon changed his name to Tutankhamun, the living image of Amun, and restored the old ways.

Thus he became very famous. But unfortunately, he only lived for about nine years and died unexpectedly.

Q.6. What do you know about the Valley of the King?

Ans- The Valley of the King is an ancient Egyptian cemetery. It is a burial place of the dead kings or pharaohs of ancient Egypt. It is also called the Valley of the Departed. It is in the far South of Egypt. It has burial chambers of the dead kings. There are murals on the walls of the burial chamber. The dead kings were lavished with glittering goods. At that time the royals thought that they could take their riches with them. The Valley of the King 

Q.7.  Why was the mummy of Tut in a very bad condition? 

Ans- The mummy was in a very bad condition because of what Howard Carter, the British archaeologist did in the 1920s. He discovered Tut’s tomb in 1922 after years of futile searching. Its contents, though hastily ransacked in antiquity, were surprisingly complete. After months of carefully recording the pharaoh’s funerary treasures, Carter began investigating the three nested coffins. Thus, it was so. 

 Q. 8. Write about the tourists who came to see the Valley of the Kings. 

Ans. Tourists gazed at the murals on the walls of the burial chamber. Some visitors read from guidebooks in a whisper. Others stood silently, perhaps pondering the king’s untimely death or wondering with a shiver if the pharaoh’s curse-death or misfortune may fall upon those who disturbed him was really true.

Q.9 Describe the scanning of Tut’s mummy 

Ans- A CT machine scanned Tut’s mummy from head to toe. It created 1700 digital X-ray images. Tut’s head was scanned in 0.62-millimeter slices to register its intricate structures. There was a team of specialists in radiology, forensics, and anatomy. A technician pulled up astonishing images of Tut in a computer screen. A grey head took shape. Neck-vertebrae appeared

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