Birth Class 11 Questions And Answers

Chapter Birth Class 11 Questions And Answers are available in this article along with the pdf for the students who want to take print of answers. we made Birth Class 11 questions and answers in easy and simple language so that a poor student can easily understand and remember.

Birth Class 11 Questions And Answers

Birth Class 11 Questions And Answers

Reading with Insight

Q.1. “I have done something; oh, God! I’ve done something real at last.” Why does Andrew say this? What does it mean? (Birth Class 11 Questions And Answers)

Ans. Andrew finally achieved something as a doctor. He did what every doctor dreams of. He miraculously saved the life of a newborn baby and his mother. First, he saved Susan Morgan’s life, who had given birth to her first child after twenty years of marriage. But the greater task was saving the child who was stillborn.

By saving the child’s life, the doctor had done more than his duty. It filled him with a sense of achievement, making the impossible thing possible, never giving up till he breathed life into the child.

Q.2. There lies a great difference between textbook medicine and the world of a practicing physician. Discuss. (Birth Class 11 Questions And Answers)

Ans. Medical books teach you how to cure diseases, which medicines should be used, and how to handle patients. But they do not prepare a doctor for the different situations which they may face when they become practising physicians. They do not help the physician to deal with emergencies.

The physician has to use knowledge, intuition and decision-making skills for each case. Every case is unique, and a doctor needs to handle different cases differently. Dr Andrew Manson had to decide whom to treat first the mother, or the newborn baby, who appeared to be stillborn. He decides instinctively to treat the mother first. When he turns to the child, he finds that the nurse had put him under the bed, thinking him to be dead.

Andrew Manson acts immediately; he plunges the child, by turns, in hot and cold water and then pumps his chest. The miracle happens, and the child starts gasping and crying.

Q.3. Do you know of any incident when someone has been brought back to life from the brink of death through medical help? Discuss medical procedures such as organ transplant and organ regeneration that are used to save human life.

Ans. The students should give their own examples.

(i) Cases of heart, or kidney transplantation

(ii) Accident cases

(iii) Plastic surgery

(iv) Artificial limbs for accidents

Who is the Author of Birth Class 11

Q. Who is the author of Birth Class 11.

Answer- ‘Birth’ is an excerpt from ‘The Citadel’, a famous novel by A.J. Cronin.

Birth Class 11 Questions And Answers

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